Journal Archive

Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment - Vol. 35 , No. 1

2. p. 16 Characteristics of Particle Size Distribution at the Roadside of Daegu
Byoung-Yoon Cho, Sang-Hee Shin, Cheol-Su Jung, Myeong-Hui Ju, Min-Hye Yoon, Jeong-Eem Ahn, Gi-Soo Bae
Vol. 35, No. 1, pp.16-26 DOI:

7. p. 86 A Study on the Method of Calculation of Domestic and Foreign Contribution on PM2.5 using Brute-Force Method
Ki-pyo Nam, Han-sol Lee, Jin-ju Lee, Hyun-ju Park, Jin-young Choi, Dae-gyun Lee
Vol. 35, No. 1, pp.86-96 DOI: